[. . . ] Register your product and get support at www. philips. com/welcome SA3SDV00 User manual Contents 1 Important safety information General maintenance Recycling the product 3 3 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 0DQDJH PHGLD ÀOHV LQ 3KLOLSV 6RQJELUG Edit metadata Get album artwork 5HPRYH PHGLD ÀOHV IURP WKH OLEUDU\ Sync the player with Philips Songbird Select auto or manual sync Auto sync Manual sync 18 18 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 25 25 25 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 2 Your new SDV What's in the box PC software for the player Files loaded on the player 6 Music Find music on the player Find music by song information Find music by playlist )LQG PXVLF E\ ÀOH IROGHU Superscroll Play music Play from the same collection Select play options Playlists Add songs to a playlist-on-the-go Remove songs from a playlist-onthe-go Delete songs from the player 3 Get started Charge power Switch the player on or off Automatic standby and shut-down Insert a Micro SD card 4 Overview Controls Home screen Navigate from the Home screen Switch between the Home screen and play screen Select a theme Lock/unlock the keys Screen on/off 7 Audiobooks 6\QF DXGLR ERRNV WR WKH SOD\HU , QVWDOO $XGLEOH0DQDJHU RQ WKH 3& 'RZQORDG DXGLRERRNV WR WKH 3& 6\QF WR WKH SOD\HU Find audiobooks on the player Play audiobooks Use bookmarks Delete audiobooks from the player 5 Sync with PC media library Install Philips Songbird on your PC &ROOHFW PHGLD ÀOHV IURP WKH 3& Set the watch folder , PSRUW PHGLD ÀOHV *HW FRQWHQWV IURP RQOLQH VRXUFHV 6HDUFK RQOLQH Search in Philips Songbird Search by metadata Search by keyword Create playlists in Philips Songbird Create a playlist Save the play queue as a playlist Play a playlist 8 Videos Add videos to the player Find videos on the player Play videos Select brightness Delete videos from the player EN 1 9 Pictures Add pictures to the player Find pictures on the player View pictures Start a slideshow Select play options Delete pictures from the player 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 10 Folder view 11 Settings Play mode Sound settings Sleep timer Display settings Backlight timer Screensaver Date and time Slideshow settings Language Information Format device Factory settings CD installer 8SGDWH WKH ÀUPZDUH WKURXJK Philips Songbird 13 Repair the player through Philips Songbird 14 Technical data System requirements 35 36 36 Need help?Please visit www. philips. com/welcome where you can access a full set of supporting materials such as the user manual, the latest software updates, and answers to frequently asked questions. 2 EN 1 Important safety information General maintenance The translation of this document is for reference only. In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the translated version, the English version shall prevail. Caution To avoid damage or malfunction: Do not expose the product to excessive heat caused by heating equipment or direct sunlight. Hearing Safety Do not drop the product or allow objects to fall on your player. Do not allow the product to be submerged in water. Do not expose headphone socket or battery compartment to water, as water entering the set may cause major damage. [. . . ] $IWHU \RX V\QF WKH PHGLD ÀOHV WR WKH SOD\HU \RX can browse the media library by metadata. On Philips Songbird, select Tools > Get Artwork. » Artwork is fetched for all selected titles. 5HPRYH PHGLD ÀOHV IURP WKH OLEUDU\ 1 2 In Library > Music or Videos, select a PHGLD ÀOH 5LJKW FOLFN RQ WKH ÀOH WR VHOHFW View Metadata. » A metadata table appears for you to edit the information. Get album artwork Artwork is sometimes available for music downloads. After you sync the songs to some players, you can browse the media library by artwork. 1 2 5LJKW FOLFN RQ D PHGLD ÀOH 6HOHFW Remove. &RQÀUP DV SURPSWHG » 7KH VHOHFWHG ÀOH LV UHPRYHG IURP WKH library and from all playlists. (By default, WKH ÀOH LV RQO\ UHPRYHG QRW GHOHWHG 7KH ÀOH VWLOO H[LVWV LQ LWV RULJLQDO location on the computer or computer network. ) 18 EN Tip 7R VHOHFW PXOWLSOH ÀOHV KROG GRZQ WKH Ctrl button when you click on selections. 7R VHOHFW PXOWLSOH FRQVHFXWLYH ÀOHV KROG GRZQ WKH Shift EXWWRQ ZKHQ \RX FOLFN RQ WKH ÀUVW DQG ODVW VHOHFWLRQV Sync the player with Philips Songbird Through Philips Songbird, you can sync music, video, or photos from a PC to the player. The V\QF SURFHVV DOORZV PHGLD ÀOHV WR EH FRQYHUWHG to the formats playable on the player. Select auto or manual sync 7KH ÀUVW WLPH \RX FRQQHFW WKH SOD\HU WR Philips Songbird, select auto sync as prompted. To select auto or manual sync, 1 2 On the PC, launch Philips Songbird. Make sure that you have inserted a Micro SD card into the player (see 'Insert a Micro SD card' on page 9). » On Philips Songbird, the player is displayed when it is recognized by the PC. 1 2 3 Select the player under Devices. 7R FRQÀUP WKH RSWLRQ FOLFN Apply. Auto sync If you have selected auto sync, auto sync starts automatically when you connect the player to a PC; Alternatively, select the player under Devices, and click Sync. EN 19 To select auto sync settings, Tip 7R VHOHFW PXOWLSOH ÀOHV DW WKH VDPH WLPH KROG GRZQ WKH Ctrl button when you click options. 1 2 3 Select the player under Devices. Click to select an option. Manual sync To transfer selected playlists manually, 1 2 Select playlists. Drag and drop the playlists to SDV. 7R WUDQVIHU VHOHFWHG PHGLD ÀOHV PDQXDOO\ 1 2 On the Content pane, right click on a VHOHFWHG PHGLD ÀOH Select Add to Device > SDV. » 6HOHFWHG ÀOHV DUH WUDQVIHUUHG WR SDV. 20 EN 6 Music Find music on the player After you sync the player with your PC media OLEUDU\ ÀQG WKH PXVLF RQ WKH SOD\HU Note Make sure that you have inserted the Micro SD card into the player. 7R RUJDQL]H PXVLF ÀOHV E\ ÀOH IROGHU 1 2 3 Connect SDV to a PC. On the PC, under My Computer or Computer, Select SDV DQG FUHDWH ÀOH IROGHUV 2Q WKH 3& GUDJ DQG GURS ÀOHV WR WKH ÀOH folders on the SD card that is inserted into SDV. $OWHUQDWLYHO\ GUDJ DQG GURS ÀOH IROGHUV from the PC to the SD card that is inserted into SDV. Find music by song information In , songs are sorted by metadata or ID3 tag under different collections: [All songs], [Artists], [Albums], or [Genres]. [Artists] Songs are sorted by artist in alphabetical order; Under each artist, songs are sorted by album in alphabetical order. [Genres] Songs are sorted by genre, such as pop, rock. Superscroll In a list of options that are sorted by alphabet, Superscroll allows you to browse the options by initial. » On the screen, you can see the initials of current options. Alive ive l of Your Life e All of Your Life Argentina rgentina A Play music You can start play from a song, or play an entire album or artist. To start play from a song, Find music by playlist In > [Playlists] ÀQG WKH SOD\OLVW WKDW \RX transfer from the PC media library. 1 2 1 2 Select a song. » Play starts from current song. To play the entire album or artist, )LQG PXVLF E\ ÀOH IROGHU In ÀQG PXVLF E\ ÀOH IROGHU Select an album or artist. Press > [Play]. EN 21 3 Press to start play. 2 In [Play music from. . . ], select [All songs]. [. . . ] After the preGHÀQHG WLPH GXUDWLRQ WKH LGOH VFUHHQ LV switched off automatically. To set the time duration Date and time To set the clock Press / and [Time settings] [Set time format] [Set time] VHOHFWV D KRXU RU KRXU FORFN / repeatedly, or press press and hold / to enter digits; press / to select the position of entries; press to FRQÀUP to select an option: 1 2 From the Home screen, select > [Display settings] > [Backlight timer]. » After the selected time duration, the idle screen is switched off automatically. Tip [Date settings] [Set date format] [Set date] selects a date format / repeatedly, or press press and hold / to enter digits; press / to select the position of entries; press to FRQÀUP For power-saving purpose, select a low value. To exit the power-saving mode Press any key. Screensaver If you have selected a screensaver, the screensaver appears on the idle screen after the SUHGHÀQHG WLPH GXUDWLRQ To select a screensaver Slideshow settings / and to [Time per slide] [Repeat] >6KXIÁH@ selects play time for each slide. plays all slides in random order, if activated. 1 2 From the Home screen, select > [Display settings] > [Screensaver]. [. . . ]